They say, I say

October 24, 2009

The blog that I read about writes about how the planet doesn’t even benefit from going green. He says that with all of the trends that the public goes along with to help the earth, its supposedly damaging it even more. The blogger from says that the trends of going green such as recyling, saving paper, and trying to reduce your carbon footprint harm the planet instead of improving it. The “they say” in this blog is how many people follow going green, which means that there must be some relevance behind it all. The “I say” behind the blog is how he disagrees completely and in turn, listing the reasons why none of our cut-backs help the earth

When it comes to the topic of going green, most of us will readily agree that every effort of conserving counts. Where this agreement usually ends, however, is on the question of whether or not these tactics have fully been proven to work.  Where as some are convinced that there have been improvements to the environment through recycling, conserving, hybrid cars, reforestation, saving paper, etc., others maintain that these above mentioned are actually harming the planet.  I will come to believe this last statement when the trend of going green dies. If these actions taken aren’t improving the planet, the question is why are we still doing it then? There must be some effect, if not any, that the measures we have taken are doing at least some good for the environment.

4 Responses to “They say, I say”

  1. kazvorpal said

    It seems to me that your argument could reasonably be summarized thusly:

    “Going green must be good for the environment, or else so many people would not still be doing it.”

    Tell me that this is not what you mean.

  2. englisha02 said

    Interesting blog there. You wouldn’t think that activities such as recycling and reforestation would actually be labeled as bad for the environment. The reasons the author gives are new to me; I never heard of tree farms before, and never expected to see someone do a complete switch and say that most recycling is bad.

  3. melaniemunzer said

    its interesting that you say people are not interested in trying to fix the planet just reduce their carbon foot print. Its important to try to reduce and reuse while also making improvements in trying to reverse the problem all together.

  4. Caroline Murray said


    Your blog was very interesting to me. I did not know that people consider recycling and other activities that are supposed to help the environment, as harmful. We might even want to look into this further, it could be useful in our research project.

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